Policies & Procedures

Fall 2006



The term “Geographic Information System” (commonly referred to as “GIS”) refers to a collection of digital information technologies capable of sorting and analyzing spatial and non-spatial data. A GIS is composed of computer hardware and software, and array of data that may include maps, databases, photographs, and scanned document images.

The features and benefits of a well-structured GIS are enormous. The volume of data that can be collected, classified and ranked, and analyzed is unlimited. The county and municipal uses of data in a GIS can be equally unlimited. Some examples include land records management, E-911 dispatch assistance, hydrology analysis, demographic projection, and voter registration.

In 1997, Allamakee County first embarked on a plan to develop and implement a Geographic Information System. Then in 2002, the County entered into a contract with ProMap, a division of the Schneider Corporation, for the creation of several datasets including, but not limited to, lots, parcels, road and railroad centerlines, rights of way, voting districts, school districts, and drainage districts as well as the hosting of the County GIS website. During this time, the Assessor’s Office also budgeted for and hired a GIS Coordinator whose responsibility is to maintain and update the county datasets. As of Spring 2006, the contract with ProMap was completed and Allamakee County has sole responsibility for maintaining, updating, and creating new datasets for the GIS system. Schneider continues to host the Allamakee County GIS website.


It is the policy of Allamakee County to promote continued development of a unified, county-wide open Geographic Information System, hereinafter GIS, by

  • Supporting an information infrastructure, including but not necessarily limited to, hardware, software, relational database development and management, and network communication (such as Internet, Intranet, local area network, and wide area network) to enable and encourage the exchange and transfer of information within and between Allamakee County departments;
  • Supporting centralized storage of GIS data and related information (metadata);
  • Implementing GIS projects that build upon the parcel based GIS;
  • Supporting development and maintenance of the Allamakee County GIS and real estate website to facilitate communication and enhance public access to pertinent Allamakee County government information and GIS


This policy applies to Allamakee County departments planning for the use of or involved with GIS data and applications.


Allamakee County views information as a critical strategic requirement for effective decision making and acknowledges that data integration is necessary for effective program and policy implementation. A significant portion of data managed by Allamakee County departments is tied to a geographic location, thus this data can be spatially referenced, analyzed, and viewed with GIS. Allamakee County has invested in the development of digital orthophotos and an integrated parcel-based GIS. Allamakee County uses GIS as a tool to enhance the welfare, health, and safety of Allamakee County citizens. Allamakee County has also developed an Internet presence to facilitate communication and public access to Allamakee County government information.

The primary purpose of this Policy is to establish a standardized approach to GIS that will:

  • Provide a cost-effective means for coordinating, sharing, and disseminating location-based information in an equitable manner;
  • Maximize return on the initial investments;
  • Provide Allamakee County citizens timely access to accurate information:
  • Centralize storage of GIS data to help ensure that data is collected once, (which eliminates redundancy), and stored once (which capitalizes on storage space and facilitates server maintenance and monitoring), while enabling distribution of GIS data to many users;
  • Use a limited variety of GIS software packages to
    • Reduce personnel training costs,
    • Avoid software incompatibilities ,
    • Make software updates more efficient;
  • Facilitate emergency response planning and action:
  • Enhance communication among local, regional, state and federal government agencies, as well as utilities, businesses and industries through cooperation and data integration;
  • Promote increased awareness about GIS technology and applications to the public and private agencies;
  • Provide technical assistance for Allamakee County GIS projects;
  • Update and maintain Allamakee County’s cadastral base map:
  • Maintain the Allamakee County digital orthophotography based on the existing control network;
  • Create and maintain GIS standards for Allamakee County;
  • Assist with compiling and maintaining information (metadata) about Allamakee County GIS data.

Mission Statement

Allamakee County will promote fact-based decision making for both day-to-day operational needs and long range planning to benefit citizens of this County. The Allamakee County GIS will enable elected officials, department heads, county employees, public and private agencies, and citizens of Allamakee County to graphically view and analyze information, and apply technology to Allamakee County issues.

Allamakee County Departments and GIS Coordinator Guidelines

Allamakee County Department Heads Shall:

  1. Consult with the GIS Coordinator prior to purchasing GIS software or investing in interoperable GIS software and systems to ensure integration with the existing parcel-based GIS.
  2. Develop and maintain information (Metadata) about data used in GIS applications if developed independent of the GIS Coordinator.
  3. Consult with the GIS Coordinator regarding issues to include, but not limited to, feasibility, data management, and data storage prior to recommending that the Board of Supervisors enter into a Digital Data License Agreement with an entity.
  4. Use a common map coordinate system (Iowa North, State Plane 1983, North American Datum 1983-survey feet) for all Allamakee County GIS

The GIS Coordinator is responsible for:

  1. The maintenance, upkeep, and implementation of standards for hardware and software to assure compatible, reliable, and user-friendly operation of the GIS platform.
  2. Maintaining and disseminating public records within the GIS, as well as restricting access rights to user-specific needs.
  3. Ensuring the data integrity of the GIS by following established GIS standards and maintaining metadata files.
  4. The training of Allamakee County employees as well as other interested individuals in the use of the Allamakee County GIS
  5. Promoting the use of GIS to local governments, businesses, and the citizens of Allamakee County.

Geographic Information System Data Distribution

Product Information: Allamakee County GIS cadastral map data does not replace or modify land surveys, deeds, and/or other legal instruments defining land ownership and use. Licensed datasets are distributed in “as is” condition. The County is under no obligation to inform licensees of data updates, alterations, or accuracy errors discovered after data has been issued.

Geo-referencing System: All Allamakee County GIS data are distributed in the geographic coordinate system of North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The grid coordinate system is based off of Zone 1401 Iowa North State Plane Coordinate System.

Format: Parcel-based Allamakee County data are distributed as ESRI ArcView shapefiles or personal geodatabases. Special requests for GIS data in other formats will be considered. Allamakee County will not provide the computer software or hardware needed to access the data.

Media: All data are distributed on CD, DVD, floppy disk, or e-mailed in PDF file format according to the fees listed in Attachment C. Special requests for data distribution on other media will be considered.

Data Distribution and Fee Structure

  1. Citizens of Allamakee County will receive printed information about their property (parcel) of residence free of This includes one, letter or legal size, black and white map of their property. Citizens, as used here, include individuals requesting information about their property (parcel) of residence, who receive verbal infonnation and/or a printed page of infonnation or plat map. Individual citizens who are requesting digital or paper information for a property not their own, an incorporated area, unincorporated area, or all of Allamakee County will be charged according to the fee structure listed in Attachment C.
  2. Government agencies, college and universities, and non-profit agencies will enter into a Digital Data License Agreement (see Attachment A) with Allamakee County, and are subject to a 30% discount on all digital data rates and reduced labor rates (see the Government and Non-profit fee schedule outlined in Attachment C).Government agencies include any local, county, state, federal government entity, or the authorized representative thereof. If a government agency enters into a contractual agreement with a service provider (such as a contractor, consultant, engineering firm), pertinent Allamakee County GIS products would be granted to the service provider for the life of the project, at the request of the government agency.

    Colleges and Universities
    include institutions of higher learning (such as vocational-technical schools, community colleges, business colleges, universities, university outreach centers) located in Allamakee County. GIS data and products would also be made available to other institutions of higher learning for projects that would benefit the citizens of Allamakee County.Non-profit Agencies include any organization that is formed without intent to make a profit for its investors. Examples include local churches or organizations such as the United Way.

    Allamakee County reserves the right to grant the use of data for specific projects to qualified organizations for research and special projects that benefit the citizens of Allamakee County free of charge. In return, the user must issue a copy of the final project or research to Allamakee County.Use of GIS data is granted for the life of the project through a Digital Data License Agreement and completion of the Data Fee Waiver Agreement (see attachment B). Grantees may be charged a fee for the GIS Data Products based on the direct cost of materials and services (see attachment C). Requests for the granted use of GIS information would be considered individually and would be for the life of the research or special project. Grantees engaged in research or special projects could include, but are not limited to, service contractors and consultants working for government agencies, neighborhood associations, churches, hospitals, non-profit agencies, high school or college students, and civic groups.

  3. Allamakee County and its subsidiaries shall not be charged a fee for GIS use, digital data, and website County departments should budget accordingly for data layer creation and any related materials.
  4. All city governments and county school districts shall not be charged for access to the GIS website or digital data They are subject to labor rates and material fees as outlined in Attachment C.City governments include all local governments located in Allamakee County.School Districts include those that are located in Allamakee County, and pertain to K-12 public and parochial schools.
  5. All other entities (those not included in 1, 2, 3, and 4 above) will enter into a Digital Data License Agreement (Attachment A) and will be charged the full rate for GIS Data Products (see Attachment C for material, service, and minimum fee schedule).Allamakee County is committed to encouraging the access to and sharing of GIS data among all public and private entities.Information regarding restrictions on use and limitations of Allamakee County GIS Products are detailed in the Digital Data License Agreement.
  6. All website users must fill out and fax, mail, or email a copy of the Website Subscription Form prior to receiving a password or accessing the Allamakee County GIS Website. Pre-payment is also required. A limit of five users per subscription will be See Attachment D for pricing and subscription information.


  • Data integration – ability to use or combine data from multiple sources and databases while maintaining the integrity and reliability (data stays in sync when updated) of the data
  • Digital Orthophotos – digital version or aerial photographs that are constructed to eliminate image distortion due to changes in aircraft tilt and topographic relief.
  • Geographic Information System – system of computer hardware, software, and procedures designed to support the capture, management, manipulation, analysis, modeling, and display of spatially referenced data for solving complex planning and management problems.
  • Infrastructure – (as applied to GIS) the physical features that are installed to support the exchange and transfer of information that support Allamakee County management, decision-making, and staff related information activities, including software, hardware, data, and network
  • Internet – a worldwide network of computers into which anyone can Home of such popular services as the World Wide Web, FTP (file transfer protocol), and Internet e-mail.
  • Internet Server- a hardware component that provides shared services in a networked environment and a software component that provides information and/or processing via the World Wide Web.
  • Inter-operable – capable of integrating and maintaining the integrity of data created with different software packages, while avoiding expensive and time-consuming data conversions and translations.
  • Intranet – a private network that uses World Wide Web Internet software and standards to enable organizations to share infomiation internally in nearly any form, an internal internet server made available to employees across a local area network or through private access.
  • Local Area Network {LAN) – A network limited to a small area, such as an office building or university.
  • Map Coordinate System – a particular type of reference system that uses linear or angular quantities to designate the position of points, so that a paint an the 3-dimensianal spherical Earth can be located on a 2- dimensianal flat map.
  • Metadata – data about data, an overall description of the contents of a database, GIS feature class, coverage of other layer of Metadata would include but is not limited ta, the source of the data, methods for gathering the data, person(s) responsible far the data, accuracy of the data, scale of the data, description of categories of data columns, codes or symbols used in data tables.
  • Parcel-based GIS – an information system that integrates property ownership mapping, property appraisal data, and assessment data, along with graphic features (such as rivers, roads, railroads) throughout Allamakee County.
  • Wide Area Network (WAN) — a large network that extends beyond the boundaries of an office or building. The Internet is a WAN.