The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors is a three-member board. In Allamakee County the Supervisors are elected at large.
The Board of Supervisors meets every Monday starting at 9:30AM with 10 minutes for public comment followed by the agenda, and the meeting lasts until all business is done. Also the board meets as needed for special circumstances. The agenda is posted at the Courthouse by Friday at 9:30 am and also on the Allamakee County Web page. To get on the Supervisors Agenda, you need to contact the Auditors Office by 3:00 PM Thursday, before the Monday meeting. If you will provide copies of any documents to the Supervisors, please bring an extra copy for their Clerk.
Besides having a scheduled Monday meeting, each Supervisor sits on other Boards throughout the County, area Counties, and State. Each takes an active part for promoting and protecting the citizens of the county. SEE LIST OF COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS BELOW.
Call Supervisors
Contact Supervisors
Duties of the Supervisors are:
- Adopting a county budget. This process begins every January, with budget adopted every March, with each department head having input.
- Responsible for the construction and maintenance of the county's road/bridge system.
- Levies taxes to raise revenues for county purposes.
- Attending meetings for county representation.
- Union negotiations.
Board of Supervisors Members

- Allamakee County Revolving Loan Fund
- Allamakee County Board of Health
- Allamakee County Substance Abuse Board
- Iowa Workforce Development Chief Elected Officials Board
- Northeast Iowa Community Action Executive Board
- Northeast Iowa Community Action Transit Board
- Northeast Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund
- Regional Upper Explorerland Revolving Loan Fund
- Upper Explorerland Regional Housing Authority
- Emergency Management Commission
- Northeast Iowa Juvenile Detention Board
- DOT Policy Board RPA-1
- County Social Services Board of Directors

- County Social Services Board of Directors
- Northeast Iowa Response Group
- Board of Directors of Judicial District Dept of Corrections
- Resource, Conservation & Development Board (RC&D)
- DOT Policy Board RPA-1
- Upper Explorerland Regional Planning Commission Board and
- UERPC Executive Board
- Emergency Management Commission
- Northeast Iowa Regional Housing Trust Fund

- Allamakee County E911 Board
- Allamakee County Economic Development Executive Board
- Allamakee County Farm
- Allamakee County Conservation Board
- 28E Board
- DECAT Empowerment
- Northeast Iowa Behavioral Health Board
- Northeast Iowa Juvenile Detention Board
- Emergency Management Commission
- Board of Directors of Judicial District Dept of Corrections
All board members represented on the following boards, commissions, and committees:
Allamakee County Conference Board, Allamakee County Economic Development, Roadside Management, Allamakee County Solid Waste, Allamakee County Planning & Zoning Board, Allamakee County Historical Society