Conservation Board Minutes – May 2024

Allamakee County Conservation Board Minutes May 2024

The Allamakee County Conservation Board met in regular session October 1, 2024 beginning at 1 p.m. at the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center in Lansing, Iowa. Board members who were present were: Jeanie Carroll, Jesse Delaney, Steve Weymiller, and Marilyn Clark. Attending from the Allamakee County Conservation Board staff was Ross Geerdes and Brody VanderKolk Present from the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors was Mark Reiser. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. and the day’s agenda and minutes from the September 3, 2024 regular board meeting were approved with a motion by Weymiller and a second by Clark with all members in favor.

No public comment.

The board reviewed and approved the claims with a motion by Clark and second by Carroll. All in favor.

Director Geerdes gave an update on the Waterville Farm 55 timber stand improvement project. Dave Asche, DNR Forester has marked trees for sale at the Farm 55 site. Asche also completed a timber sale packet to be submitted to bonded timber buyers in the state of Iowa. Bids for the timber sale will be due back for the November board meeting. Geerdes, Asche, and Aaron Flickinger met October 1, 2024 to view the work at Waterville Farm 55 and the Waterville Pines area that had previously been completed. Both foresters were impressed by the work already completed and the native White Pines present on the properties. Both properties were showing signs of oak and white pine regeneration.

The board approved the hiring of Becca Hefflefinger for the Office Manager/Assistant Naturalist position with a start date of October 21, 2024 with a motion by Carrol and second by Clark. All in favor

Director Geerdes told the board he had submitted a Water Recreation and Access grant for a sidewalk and attachment for the Harpers Ferry Transient Dock. The project is estimated at $11,500 and consists of 50’ of sidewalk and 2 attachment points for the dock. The two attachment points will allow the dock to be secured during different stages of river level.

Members of the board discussed a potential Iowa DNR Fish Habitat grant. The director suggested applying for a grant to construct a shoreline fishing access at Nobles Island Boat Landing by the artesian well area. This area is frequently used by shore fisherman, has been seeing erosion from recent flooding and the shoreline is filled with concrete construction debris as its current rip rap material. A motion was made by Clark to submit an Iowa DNR Fish Habitat Grand for Shoreline Fishing Access at Nobles Island Boat Landing and a second was made by Carrol. All in Favor.

The board discussed the recent action by the Board of Supervisors regarding the selling of the county boat that is used by the ACCB and the Allamakee Sheriff Department. The Sheriff’s office has requested to purchase a new boat. The purchase was approved by the Board of Supervisors if the existing boat was sold. The Alumacraft boat the County currently has is titled to Allamakee County, but was paid for by grants secured by the Allamakee County Conservation Board. Mark Reiser with the Board of Supervisors suggested that Geerdes schedule an agenda item at the next Board of Supervisors October 7 to speak with them about ACCB’s concerns.


In information items the board discussed the use of the Monsrud Bridge which is currently being stored at Yellow River State Forest. The DNR has expressed interest in using it for a bridge in one of their areas. The historical value of the bridge was discussed. The washing and cleaning of the windows and outside siding of the Driftless Center was discussed. Ken’s Window service has been contracted previously to wash the windows but has been unable to because of the insurance the county requires. The Director informed the board on the planning for Iowa County Conservation System District meeting which will be hosted at the Driftless Center in December.

In final action the Director asked the board to consider moving the date of the next meeting back one week. He is going to be out of town leading up to the first Tuesday of the month. A motion was made by Weymiller and second Carrol to change the date of the next board meeting to November 12, 2024 beginning at 1 p.m. at The Driftless Area Education and Visitors Center. All in Favor.

With no additional business the meeting was concluded at 1:52 p.m. with a motion by Clark and seconded by Carrol to adjourn. All in favor.