Maintains all land records relating to property in Allamakee County, Iowa.
- Recorder Document Formatting Standards
- Recorder Recording Fees
- Deeds
- Contracts
- Mortgages
- Assignments and Releases
- Federal and State Tax Liens
- Affidavits
- Plats and Surveys
- Section Corner Certificates
- Military Service Records
- Easements
- Condemnations
- Trade Names
- Leases
- 28E and Drainage Agreements
- Miscellaneous Documents
- Bill of Sale
Indexes and images of recorded documents starting in 1980 are available for viewing on-line at Iowa Land Records. Iowa Land Records is the official statewide website sponsored by the Iowa County Recorders Association.
Indexes and images from 1851-1979 are available for viewing at
- Collect real estate transfer tax on conveyances of property (a portion is retained in the County's general fund.)
- Perform Federal and State tax lien searches.
- Assist the public in research of real estate records.
- Collect and report Auditor's fee on transfers of property.
- Certify Recorder's records.
- Make records available for genealogy research.
- File detailed reports monthly, quarterly and annually to the County.
- Monthly reports to the following state agencies:
- Iowa Department of Health & Human Services
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- Iowa Department of Revenue
The Iowa "Time of Transfer" inspection requirement became effective July 1, 2009. Information on the requirements for inspections can be found within the Iowa Administrative Code, Chapter 69, Private Sewage Disposal Systems, specifically Section 567-69.2 (Iowa Code Section 455.B).
As of July 1, 2009, all properties that are going to be sold and/or transferred that include a private wastewater treatment and/or water supply must have these facilities inspected and any deficiencies addressed before the sale/transfer takes place. The inspections and statements must be recorded with the Allamakee County Recorder's Office at the time of legal transfer.
Discharge papers (DD214's) may be recorded for permanent records. In order to obtain a certified copy, the original document must be presented for recording. The DD214 must be recorded before military exemption is applied toward property tax reduction.
Effective July 1, 2003, all military personnel records maintained by the County Recorder have become confidential records. Unless otherwise provided by the veteran, the record shall not be made available for examination or copying except as follows:
- To the Veteran
- To the Veteran's immediate family
- Veteran's agent or personal representative
- Licensed funeral director
- When ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction
- When required by a department or agency of the federal or state government
- When requested record occurred more than 75 years prior to the request
Registrations and Licenses
Boat registrations expire on April 30, 2025. Boats have a three year renewal registration. Boat registrations can be renewed starting January 1 of the boat renewal year. There is a $5.00 penalty on all delinquent boat registrations. Boat fees are based on the length of the boat. All boats over 17' in length must have a title. Boats with a lien must be titled.
To make application for a new boat (newly manufactured):
- Application needs to be filled out
- Proof of Purchase or bill of sale indicating if sales tax has been paid
- Manufacturer's statement of origin (MSO)
To make application for a boat new to Iowa (sold to an Iowa customer by a seller in another state):
- Application needs to be filled out
- Proof of Purchase or bill of sale indicating if sales tax has been paid
- Title, if titled
- Registration
- Or Affidavit of untitled/unregistered vessel
To make application for transfer of ownership of a boat (sold in state):
- Application needs to be filled out
- Proof of Purchase or bill of sale indicating if sales tax has been paid
- Title, if titled
- Registration
- Or Affidavit of untitled/unregistered vessel
Off Highway Vehicle Registrations, Titles & Liens
Off Highway Vehicles (OHV) include ATVs, ORVs and ORMs: Registrations are due every year and can be renewed from September 1 through December 31. The renewal fee is $18.50. There is a $5.00 penalty after December 31. All new registrations or transfers should be done at the Allamakee County Recorder's Office through the Recreational Vehicle & Vessel Registration system of Iowa or RVVR's. Renewals may be done at any County Recorder's Office or online through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
To make application for a new (newly manufactured) OHV:
- Application needs to be filled out
- Proof of Purchase or bill of sale indicating if the tax has been paid
- Manufacturer's statement of origin (MSO)
To make application for a new OHV to Iowa (sold to an Iowa customer by a seller in another state):
- Application needs to be filled out
- Proof of Purchase or bill of sale indicating if the tax has been paid
- Title, if titled
- Registration (or screen print)
- Or Affidavit of untitled/unregistered OHV
To make application for transfer of ownership of an OHV (sold in state):
- Application needs to be filled out
- Proof of Purchase or bill of sale indicating if the tax has been paid
- Title, if titled
- Registration (or screen print)
- Or Affidavit of untitled/unregistered vessel
As of July 1, 2014, there is no longer a provision in Iowa law that provides for a Farm Registration for an OHV. The vehicles that had been registered as a Farm Registration before July 1 will still be in effect. If a vehicle is considered to be exempt from registration and sales tax due to farm use, the customer has two choices, they can choose to register with the DNR paying the regular amount of $18.50 and receive current decals which expire on December 31 of each year, or to not register the vehicle at all. We would encourage all farm use machines to at least register and title their machine the first time to establish ownership.
Registrations are due every year and can be renewed from September 1 through December 31. As of July 1, 2024, the renewal fee is $33.50. There is no longer a separate User Permit fee for Iowa residents. There is a $5.00 penalty after December 31. All new registrations or transfers should be done at the Allamakee County Recorder's Office through the Recreational Vehicle & Vessel Registration system of Iowa or RVVR's. Renewals may be done at any County Recorder's Office or online through the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
A nonresident must register their vehicle in their state to operate a snowmobile in Iowa. If their state does not require registration, they only need to display a current user permit. Nonresidents operating snowmobiles on public land, public ice, or designated snowmobile trails in Iowa are required to display a Nonresident User Permit. The user permit decal must be affixed to the machine to be legal. All user permits can be purchased starting September 1 each year and are valid for the remainder of the year plus the entire following calendar year. DNR User Permits may be obtained at any license vendor or County Recorder's Office that sells hunting and fishing privileges. The cost is $18.50.
A snowmobile that was manufactured before 1984 can purchase a one-time lifetime Antique Snowmobile registration for a fee of $28.50. Registering their snowmobile as an antique snowmobile exempts the owner from an annual registration fee. But a current DNR User Permit is required if it is operated on public land, public ice and/or designated snowmobile trails.
Fish and Game licenses are sold wherever there is an ELSI (Electronic License System for Iowa) machine, not only at the Courthouse.
Vital Records Applications
In April, 2014, the Iowa County Recorders Association partnered with the Iowa Department of Health on a statewide Electronic System. Recorders now have access to birth, marriage and death records across the state, not just those happening in their counties. As of now we have access for birth records from 1985 forward and marriage and death from 1954 forward. A forward to state process can be done on records prior to the years on the Iowa Department of Health and Human Services' statewide electronic system if you choose not to go through the county the record is in. The same application is sent through our statewide system to HHS and they mail you a certified copy. The forward to state process could take up to three weeks to receive. Records prior to those years are still available in the Recorder's Office.
- You need to fill out an application - Contact the Recorder's Office to receive the application.
Birth: The full birth name and date of birth.
Death: The deceased as named on the record and date of death.
Marriage: Party A and Party B named on the record and the date of marriage.
- Only entitled persons can apply for a certified copy.
- Entitled persons include the person named on the record who is of legal age, spouse, children, legal parents, grandparents or legal representative or guardian.
- Requests from legal representatives or guardians must be on their business letterhead.
- There is a $15.00 feefor each certified copy.
- We do accept check, cash, MasterCard/Visa debit/credit cards.
- Requests by mail must include payment and a notarized application form. Mail to: Allamakee County Recorder, 110 Allamakee St, Waukon IA 52172
Marriage license applications may be completed in person at the office of the County Recorder, or a completed notarized application may be mailed to the office. Iowa law requires an uninterested third party as a witness to the application, to be signed in front of a notary or be present in our office to complete the process. Or if all three parties are unable to appear together, the application can be completed elsewhere, signatures notarized and then returned to: Allamakee County Recorder, 110 Allamakee St, Waukon IA 52172.
Please state if you want the completed packet mailed back to you (please include address) or if the packet will be picked up.
- You need to fill out an application. Contact the Recorder's Office to receive the marriage application and a vital record application.
- $35.00 processing fee.
- You will need to bring photo identification (e.g., driver's license).
- Witness needs to be 18 years of age.
- 3 day waiting period (not counting day of application).
- A certified copy of the marriage is included in the $35.00 fee after your marriage.
- If the parties are under 18 years of age, a parental consent is needed to be married. The parties must be at least 16 years of age.
- We do accept check, cash, MasterCard/Visa debit/credit cards.
The 3 day waiting period may be waived
- You need to fill out the waiver form. Contact the Recorder's Office to receive the waiver form.
- The completed form needs to be brought in to Recorder's Office with the marriage application and vital record application.
- The form needs to be signed by a District Court Judge.
- There is an additional $5.00 fee.
- When the marriage license valid date is computed, the day of application is not counted.
If you have any questions, call the office at 563-568-2364. Return the completed paperwork to the Allamakee County Recorder's Office.