Conservation Board Minutes – May 2024

Allamakee County Conservation Board Minutes May 2024

The Allamakee County Conservation Board met in regular session June 4, 2024 beginning at 1 p.m. at the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center in Lansing, Iowa. Board members who were present were: Jeanie Carroll, Steve Weymiller, Marilyn Clark and Dennis Koenig. Attending from the Allamakee County Conservation Board staff was Ross Geerdes, and Emma Jacobs. Present from the Allamakee County Board of Supervisors was Mark Reiser and from the public was Tom Clark. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. and the day’s agenda and minutes from the May 7, 2024 regular board meeting were approved with a motion by Weymiller and a second by Carrol with all members in favor.

There was no public comment.

The board reviewed and approved the claims with a motion by Koenig and second by Weymiller. All in favor.

The director presented information from the Allamakee Energy District on a solar audit they had performed on the Driftless Area Education and Visitors Center. A rooftop mounted system could possibly produce enough energy to offset 15% of the electricity the Driftless Center uses on a monthly basis. The estimated cost to install would be around $34,000 with a 7.75 year estimated payback. No action was taken.

The board was told of a possible easement being sought by Jason Brink across a parcel of land owned by the Conservation Board. The easement is located on Knoll Street in Lansing. The parcel of land owned by the county is .1 of an acre and is not maintained for public use. Assistant County Attorney Kistler is working on an easement and will include that the county will not be held responsible for the maintenance of the portion across their property.

The management agreements with the Iowa DNR were reviewed. The director informed the board that a final decision had not been made by the DNR on the future of the house at Harpers Ferry Boat Landing. The director explained to the board they could approve the agreements and amend the agreements at a later time as allowed by the agreements. A motion was made by Koenig and a second by Clark to table the signing of the agreements until final action was taken by the DNR regarding the house at the Harpers Ferry Boat Landing. All in favor.

In informational items and old business Director Geerdes notified the members of the board the damage from recent flooding was minimal and it was all cleaned up at this time. The appeal of the unemployment claim with the state of Iowa was successful and the director was working on finalizing three donations to the Driftless Center and for memorial benches. Emma Jacobs gave an update on visitorship at the Driftless Center and also on the field trip season that is winding down.

The time and date for the next meeting was set for July 2, 2024 at 1 p.m. in the Driftless Area Education and Visitor Center.

With no additional business the meeting was concluded at 1:48 p.m. with a motion by Clark and seconded by Koenig to adjourn. All in favor.